Forming part of the John Radcliffe Hospital complex in Oxford, and bounding an adjacent conservation area, the Wolfson Building extends from a constrained and sloped site, affording expansive views of the city and surroundings.
The building offers the UK’s first dedicated centre for prevention of stroke and dementia research.
The building offers the UK’s first dedicated centre for prevention of stroke and dementia research.
Tyree Energy Technologies Building, UNSW designed by fjmt: Technology and research sheltered under an extension of the tree canopy
Red Centre, UNSW, designed by fjmt: An open folding plane of terracotta to define a Mall and Square Related Projects Type Materiality Form
Red Centre, UNSW, designed by fjmt: An open folding plane of terracotta to define a Mall and Square Related Projects Type Materiality Form
The University of Oxford Tinbergen, designed by FJMT - a row of layered technological cubes for research and learning.
Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney designed by fjmt: Research as an open fluid interlocking ribbon of collaboration and light.
The redevelopment of the Ballarat District Nursing and Healthcare site has upgraded and expanded the existing disparate facilities, originally built as a factory, into an elegant and environmentally sustainable mixed us healthcare facility.