fjcplace seeks wherever possible to integrate a strong platform of stakeholder engagement into our design methodology. From developing the vision and brief to post-occupancy feedback, an engaging and transparent process is offered to clients and the wider stakeholder group. Allowing the design team to manage or co-manage consultation provides greater assurance that those who will be most influenced by the project have direct influence upon the design.
Our consultation methodologies stem from a genuine desire to understand and embrace the specificity of each site. A history of significant public projects has allowed our team to develop proven consultation and user group management strategies, which have been applied to a wide range of project typologies. Many of fjc’s most successful projects have involved highly complex and sometimes conflicting user requirements, large numbers of stakeholders and politically sensitive environments.
The needs and aspirations of communities are embedded in our projects proving that effective consultation can dramatically influence the final outcome, creating places of which people are truly proud, and offering opportunities for greater innovation and improved functionality.